Home » December 1778 – when Savannah fell to British troops

December 1778 – when Savannah fell to British troops

by The 100 Companies

Three years into the Revolutionary War, the British turned its focus to the South and capturing the port of Savannah. Under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Archibald Campbell, 3,500 British soldiers sailed up the Savannah River around three miles east of Savannah.

The men traveled by land and on Dec. 29, captured the city after about an hour of fighting. In 1779, American and French troops attempted to recapture the city. Known as  the Siege of Savannah, the attempt was unsuccessful with about 1,000-1,200 American and French soldiers lost.

The British would remain in control of Savannah until July 11, 1782.

– Staff report, The Georgia 100

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