Home » Soberish is Atlanta’s haven for the ‘sober curious’

Soberish is Atlanta’s haven for the ‘sober curious’

by The 100 Companies

Like me, you may be what the TikTok generation are calling “sober curious” – eager to reduce or eliminate your alcohol intake for improved mental health and mindfulness.

Trouble is, cutting booze can be FOMO-inducing; the next backyard Tiki party may have nothing for you but plum-flavored LaCroix.

That’s why I appreciate entrepreneur Mehrnush Saadat for opening Soberish. Based in Atlanta’s trendy Kirkwood neighborhood, the shop specializes in non-alcoholic delights ranging from Bravus Beers to Phony Negronis. Oh, and the “ish” part of Soberish comes from its range of THC-infused curiosities. Pay Mehrnush a visit and stock up your dry bar.

– Chris Butsch, Contributor

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